I realize it has been a while since my last post. A health set back could be used as part of the excuse :-(
Last year we did not have a clear idea of where to travel because so much was depending on my health. We did not want to commit to an exchange then being unable to travel. We had informally agreed to an exchange in London but they changed their minds...a blessing in disguise.
We travelled to Costa Rica in a traditional way, staying at hotels. It was an interesting experience and really loved it but I have to admit we missed home swapping. We missed visiting markets, home made food, and the neighborhood atmosphere. The landscape and nature in CR was lovely. We enjoyed meeting friends and spending time hiking, zip lining, turtle watching.
It is a big world out there so we always have a problem deciding where to go next. After many offers we have settled on an exchange in Vienna. We will travel back to Turkey as David is determined to show his dad this fascinating country that sits on two continents then we will travel to Austria. I am excited to go back to Turkey as we only scratched the surfaced when David and I were there a couple of years ago. After Turkey we will travel to Vienna, Austria. We are making Vienna our home base but hope to travel through Eastern Europe as well. So many cities so little time -- we want to see many cities but we also want to do each justice, a difficult task given our time limit. But the wheels are in motion and we are in the process of contacting possible hosts. Have I mentioned ad nauseam how much we love to travel this way as a way to meet new people. We are always awed to find so much kindness throughout the world.