Monday, July 27, 2009

Setubal & Environs and the Obama effect

We are staying in Setubal, home of the sardine industry. It is also known for the production of the best muscatel wine in the world! So, we have been making sure to pack on our Omega-3 and other nutrients while we can. Right next door to our apartment is a simple and inexpensive restaurant with very good food...we have befriended Fernando (the owner). He has a huge outdoor grill for grilling fish and "cow." Once he knew we were from Chicago, he asked us about President Obama and our opinions about him. This was just an excuse for him to let us know how much he LIKED him! Our personal experiences have reinforced the latest poll about President Obama´s popularity throughout the world. This year our souvenirs were simple requests to fill: Obama´s paraphernalia!

Near Setubal we visited the Castelo de Palmela (in Palmela) but no before having some grilled sardines with our friends Ramiro and Silvia. A very interesting history behind this 12th century fortress or what remainds of it. Afterwards we drove along the coastline headed for Serra de Arrabida. We drove up a very steep hill (James was sweating) but the reward was amazing...the end is at Cabo de Espichel on the Atlantic. By the time we arrived it was rather cool and very windy! David of course insisted in at least wetting his feet to find out how cold the water was...for him not too cold of course.

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